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"What fun guys and gals just had to try it, long drive wish they had it in my area. I wanted to meet everyone again but know that's not reasonable. " -Andrea

"A wonderful first time experience where I met my boyfriend. Celebrating our one year anniversary in a few weeks. It’s like they say you know if you’ve met your match in as little as a 5 minute conversation. " -amy

"Awesome event - three thumbs up!!!" -Siran

"My cheeks were sore from laughing and smiling. It was fun. Very nice people attended. " -Robin

"It was actually a lot more fun than I anticipated! Met great people." -Patti

"My boyfriend and I have been together 2 months and are very happy. We had that instant attraction that you can only know when you meet someone in person. He and I had such great banter and witty repartee which can't really happen over text or messaging someone. I don't know that we would have realized our connection had we "met" online. Thank you DateSwitch!" -Megan

"I am very happy to report that this experience vastly exceeded my expectations! The people I met where great and the whole process of picking the people you liked on the website after the fact was fun and removed any pressure or awkwardness. Overall, a great experience!" -Andre

"I love it. We were all there for the same reason!" -Suzee

"The way DateSwitch operates has been the best speed dating experience I've run into." -Dave

"My name is Thomas and I recently attended...I want to thank you all for putting this on. I decided to go last minute on a whim and I was successful beyond my wildest dreams having 4 matches with wonderful women. Trying to find the time to be able to schedule "2nd dates" with all 4 of them is a wonderful problem to have. You all are great. Keep doing what you all are doing. I will definitely refer others to you.
" -Thomas

"This being my first event with DateSwitch, or any speed dating event, I must admit I was genuinely surprised at how well it went. I have heard friends talk about similar events with other organizations that did not always go so well so I must admit being a bit guarded with my expectations. That being said, this event surpassed my expectations." -Mike

"I'm either dreaming or this is one of the best days of my life! Mike, who I met at your event, asked me to marry him on his birthday and I said, Yes! Everything in life is better with Mike, I just love him." -Susanna

"Maybe I was low-balling my expectations, but I had more fun than I thought I would! As did my friend who accompanied me. Fun, low pressure environment to meet a lot of different people." -Brittany

"I am now married - I met my husband at my first ever speed dating event! Thanks so much!!!" -Carolyn

"It was the best singles/dating event I have been to in the last year." -Becky (I Write an Online Single's Column)

"Two thumbs up and on a scale of 1 to 10, I would give it a 10. I could've marked yes for all of the attendees - it was hard to say no to any of the guys. It was the most fun way to meet and get to know many very nice men. Five minutes flew by so fast!!!!" -Karen

"I found the love of my life at this event (last year Dec 7th) and have never been happier." -Gil

"My first event - and it was amazingly fun!" -Diana

"I am posting as I am a success story! Last November I met my boyfriend at a DateSwitch speed dating event.  He's amazing! We been dating for about two months, but I love him so much already. He is truly the guy of my dreams.  People this works!  Register and go have fun! " -Gabriella

"I met my boyfriend 5 months ago at your speed dating event. It was my first event and he was the very first one I met too!" -Danielle

"Cool thing - better then dating sites." -Dean


"I always wanted to try speed dating. It looked like fun, but I was nervous. I went, and almost turned around four times. But I did it, met a great guy, and we're still dating five months later. I've been recommending DateSwitch to all of my single friends.  It's a safe way to meet people and all of the guys I met were people I would hang out with." -Tina

"I'm in a committed relationship now - I met the woman I'm dating at the first DateSwitch event I went to, so I am all for it!" -Dwayne

"Just wanted to let you know I had a blast. It was much more fun than I expected." -Brooke

"Very Fun and High Class! Fabulous alternative to any Internet Dating Site. " -Christina

"Overall, it was a lot of fun. I will definitely recommend it to friends and anyone else who is undecided about attending. " -Paul

"I strongly recommend participation in this to each single person. It's easy, no pressure, fun, and the potential is high that you will end up with a really good date." -Ryszard

"After trying every possible way to meet someone, I feel speed dating is really great!! Everyone truly seems open and interested, like they're all there for the same reason! I enjoyed it very much & I highly recommend giving it a shot!" -Daniel

"Reeally enjoyed this event!" -John

"A+! Total blast. One of the best things I've done in months. Hanging out at the end was an added bonus." -Andrew

"I had a really great time. This was the first time I ever tried doing something like this and it was a truly awesome adventure. I met some really nice people I would like to get to know better. Definitely going to recommend it!" -Kassie

"Your company is awesome!" -Nina

"I wanted to let you know that on November 15th I went to the speed dating event and met someone from there. We have been dating since then. I had never done this before and I found a great guy and am very happy.  Thanks again!
" -Kristina

"This should be on every singletons bucket list to do at least once! " -Christine

"This was a lot of fun. I was very apprehensive before I went, but I really enjoyed myself." -Heather

"I just wanted to say thanks.  The event last night was totally off the charts.  It was THE best event I've been to!" -Pete

"The whole experience was much better than I thought it was going to be!" -Moira

"Lots of fun and something new - every single person should try it at least once." -Tecora

"Love the mini much better than on-line dating!!" -Amanda

"It was fun. Was worried about having enough to talk about, but conversations just flowed. Met some very nice men." -Jo

"Going in I was so skeptical about this, but the event was truly great! Quality people and so fun." -Rinatta

"Well organized - it was perfect actually.  It was crazy fun!" -Shelley

"Super fun!  First time speed dater and I'd definitely do it again!" -Elaine

"This was a great event.  I am surprised how far it surpassed whatever expectations I had!!  I felt like I had a great conversation with everybody, which was my ultimate purpose! " -Leo

"A perfect, well organized, graceful event that brought together excellent singles of this age group together. thank you organizers." -Rama

"I attended Saturday night - what a blast!" -Lucy

"The men were of GREAT caliber! Thanks on behalf of us singles." -Maya

"It is a fun, simple, and nice way to meet people. The time goes by fast, very fast. The women are treated as queens - once you sit, the men come to your table. It is very fun, you get to meet nice people, and make new friends, I enjoyed my first evening there and I will go back for more :)" -Katia

"It was a blast and I would definitely do it again, but hopefully I will not even have to!!!" -Nika

"I met a great guy - we'll see where it goes!" -Nicole

"I was nervous, but the host and guests made me feel comfortable. Lots of nice people. It was much easier than I thought it would be." -Ruby

"I had a great time and the event far exceeded my expectations! " -Tremayne

"It is the best dating event that I have attended." -Lori

"I just want to say that yesterday's event was great. I wasn't expecting to meet so many new people in one night and under a very friendly and comfortable environment. It was a great experience. I was able to meet many people without the pressure of a "first date."  My sincere thanks and appreciation to you for all you do to make it possible for us singles to meet and connect.
" -Sara

"It's a blast!" -Edwin

"Awesome experience! Met a lot of really cool people. I highly recommend giving it a try." -David

"I was at the event 6 months ago.  I matched with someone and have been happier than I ever expected ever since. " -Nancy

"Great event! Relaxed atmosphere - It's a lot of fun! This is the way to go to get a date, make new friends and possibly find your soul mate." -Remon

"Good - very low pressure event. I would recommend to anyone getting back into dating." -Mary

"Thanks to DateSwitch I'm in a wonderful relationship!" -Victor

"I thought it was a ton of fun!!! Five minutes sure goes fast when you're trying to meet someone. This was my first speed dating event and it was awesome!" -Mistie

"Very well put together. Great selection. Upbeat and inviting. Thanks for a great first speed dating experience! I would recommend to my professional friends who are seeking someone." -Lou

"I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and was really surprised at how much fun I had. Thank you for providing this enjoyable evening!" -Ann

"My first time, but highly recommended. Mutally beneficial for both genders and a pleasant change in overcoming typical obstacles in meeting someone.  It was a lot of fun. " -Kevin

"Definitely recommend this!" -Brad

"Go for it. You will have fun!" -Robert

"Attending this event was one of my best decisions. This is definitely the best way to meet women that you know are actually looking to meet someone to date." -Eric

"Soooo much fun! What a great way to meet face-to-face with men! You did great! :)" -Katey

"DateSwitch was a colossally awesome experience. For a single person, I can not imagine a more fun, better way to put yourself out there in a fun, non-threatening environment that provides you with the opportunity to meet a ton of people, potentially get to know a few people with whom you'd like to better acquaint yourself, and gain a bit of confidence. Most importantly, it was, bar none, the most fun, incredible singles experience I've ever had." -Randi (I am a singles' columnist for The Examiner)

"I had such a great and fun time. The men were all gentlemen...very nice. The entire evening was delightful. The event was organized and the host was wonderful. " -Debbie

"Great time last night. The host did a fabulous job. You guys rock!" -David

"If you don't like crowded mixers or bars and online dating isn't working for you, then this will probably work." -Jeff

"I am so glad I attended the speed dating event yesterday - great group of people showed up. It is 500% better than online dating. You get to know and feel the connection, chemistry right away in a stress free environment. I had some good connections and one outstanding connection. After months of not finding the right one it was an amazing feeling to see such wonderful choices under one roof. Highly recommended by me as someone who went through the frustrations related to online dating." -Neisha

"This was a lot of fun. I was really nervous at first since it was my first time, but everybody was super nice!" -Molly

"It was my first "mini date" event. I found the event to be well organized and hosted at an intimate setting that provided a relaxing way to know people. The event coordinators were responsive, engaging and helped to make my first event enjoyable. " -Cheryl

"If you have never been to a speed dating event before, it's an interesting venue to meet new singles. For me, the event was enjoyable and met my goals in connecting with others after the event." -Russ

"Had a great time - I thought it was as perfect as you can get!  This was so much nicer than trying to think of an icebreaker at a bar and the atmosphere was relaxed and got to visit with a lot of interesting people. A group of us even went out after and had a fantastic evening dancing and visiting where we would have probably gone home and sat around if we'd left immediately after. " -Michael

"Great way to meet men." -Anita

"Definitely a cool event to attend if you're single." -Gabrielle

"I would definitely recommend this for the busy professional who does not have a lot of time to search all the online dating websites looking to essentially do what you have managed to do for us all in one night. " -Scott

"It was a lot of fun, I'd definitely do it again. Met some really cool people that I hope to see again. Great way to make friends, not just date matches!" -Sara-Jane

"It was a great confidence builder and ice breaker for me. I hadn't had any real opportunities to meet men that really had similar goals as me until the event. " -Susan

"The night I did speed dating I met someone very incredible.  To make a long story short we got engaged this weekend.  We tell all our friends about speed dating.  It was a life changing experience for both of us. " -Tim

"It was nice to get out and meet others. Lots of laughs!!!" -Shelley

"Tonight was my first speed date & I had a great time! Definitely recommend it to others who are trying to break onto the dating scene. " -Janice

"Good. It takes away the stress of having to approach someone and strike up a conversation." -Akshay

"This was my first speed dating event and I was unsure of what to expect. I enjoyed the process, the people, and the venue. What fun! Thank you for the opportunity to participate. I met many interesting and charming men." -Kerry

"I was pleasantly surprised at how many nice people showed up." -John

"FUN! Wonderful format and great people. I would recommend highly without hesitation." -Mac

"My first time speed dating and I had a wonderful time!" -Sharon

"I thought it was fun. I like the low pressure atmosphere." -Monica

"I had a really nice time at the event. The host made me feel welcome. This is a nice group and it encourages singles to get together and interact with no pressure." -Nichol

"I totally enjoyed this event! A most impressive gathering of intelligent and beautiful women! This totally rocked!" -John

"Damn it was fun!" -Jen

"I went to your event and had so much fun!! I'm still dating one of the guys." -Stepanie

"I attended this event Friday evening and had a great time!  Thank you so much for hosting!  It was low pressure and a pleasant experience." -Bridgette

"It was definitely a new and different experience in dating. I enjoyed meeting and socializing with the group. Everyone was friendly and I would go to future events. " -Rick

"The hostess who ran the event tonight did a great job and she was very upbeat. Also, she was friendly and helped me out with answering questions I had. I was very appreciative of this because this was my first speed dating event. I had so much fun at tonight’s event that I look forward to future events. " -Tommy

"I loved it...its the way to go for me." -Carol

"This was my first speed dating experience and I was pleasantly surprised. It's a relaxing way to go on a bunch of dates all in the same evening. It's a great low pressure way to meet a variety of eligible men." -Bonnie

"Had a great time meeting so many cool people!" -Makr

"This is WAY better than online dating or trying your luck at the local bar. Real conversations with real women to find out if you have real chemistry. If you both circle yes on your card, you get an email address from someone who really wants to get to know you better in person. I met my girlfriend at one of these speed dates and we've been together for 3 months now. It really works!" -Jim

"I wasn't sure what to expect but I'm so glad I participated. It was a wonderful evening and I have to say that the quality of the female participants was much better than I could have hoped for. They were a really good group, very friendly, easy to talk to, and the five minutes went much too quickly. Who needs when we have a local organization like this one." -Pete

"Completely exceeded my expectations. I had a huge amount of apprehension prior to the event, that evaporated almost instantly. I highly recommend this to other single men, it is so much better than online dating! " -Paul

"Great Concept. Met several great and fun people. No pressure and fun way to meet many members of the opposite sex. Try it - you'll like it! " -Deb

"It was the first time I attend and it was a great experience. I didn't know what to expect, but the host and the other people there where nice and welcoming. I encourage everybody to try it. It's different and unique experience. " -Emy

"Fun Fun Fun! Everyone was so nice." -Robert

"It was a very well-organized and successful event." -Thia

"First time doing this type of event and it was a great time!" -Carl

"I was really nervous about doing this but I went in with the attitude of I am just going to have fun...8 months later I am married to someone I met there and I am happier than I have ever been in my whole life." -Tara

"AWESOME!" -Nicholas

"I had a great time - fun group!" -Richard

"Just wanted to let you guys know how great the hostess of the event was.  She was perfect!  I had a fabulous time!" -Kathryn

"The event was so much fun and very professional. I had a great time. The men were all very nice and it was easy to interact and socialize. I am new to dating and this is perfect for me." -Debbie

"Super fun; no awkward moments like you might think there would be.  It was an awesome experience." -Tim

"I really enjoyed this event." -Kristofer

"Very good turnout. Lots of very nice people attended!" -John

"I like having the ability to meet prospective dates face to face, instead of online." -Cathy

"My girlfriend and I attended an event together and are now engaged to guys we met at the exact same event!" -Kelle

"I think this is a great way to meet people, went very smoothly, and was well managed. " -John

"Had a great time. First time attending this type of event, a very different experience. Everyone was very nice and it was fun meeting all the ladies." -David

"What a wonderful and LOW stress event. I was a total newbie and was soooo nervous. The host was very welcoming and put the group at ease right away. I was impressed by how organized it was...The pool of "dates" was great. I met several people I would love to get to know better.  I would highly recommend this event!" -Gina

"It was great! It was a nice, relaxed way of meeting people." -Rob

"Fantastic events!  Well organized and efficiently ran.  I met lots of people. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!" -Holly

"The event was super fun and there was a HUGE turnout! Thank you for coordinating. " -Megan

"My first time with speed dating found it fun and I met a few ladies that I hope to get to know further." -Phillip

"I thought the speed dating event was great. It was fascinating to learn about so many different people in so short a time, and for me the outcome was very positive." -Lori

"An amazing time!" -Michelle

"I like this speed dating thing!" -Tim

"I think DateSwitch is a fun way to meet new people in a safe, well-attended location. It is also economical and gives singles the opportunity to talk with potential dates without the pressure of actually going on a date!" -Sherry

"I enjoyed the event last night. I had so much fun." -Ross

"Who knew all I needed was 5 minutes to meet the guy of my dreams?  Try it.. It really does work.  Thank you DateSwitch!" -Amy

"This was a fun and exciting way to meet singles around me. I did not realize how many singles there still are here." -Scott

"This was my first time to an event like this. It is always fun to meet new people and I wasn't let down. The format was comfortable and created an opportunity to meet many more people in a short time-frame than I've ever experienced before. " -Greg

"I went in not knowing what to expect but ended up having a lot of fun! There was a large turnout and the event was run very smoothly. " -Bonnie

"This is really amazing effort and a very nice concept. Keep up the good work." -Ravi

"Way Fun!  Great mix of people and well run." -Denise

"So far, I'm impressed - it was a good event!" -Alan

"Very fun and relaxing.  I'd definitely do it again, the host was fabulous. " -Laurie

"This event was fun and I highly recommend it!  It was well organized and I had a great time.  I am so glad that I attended!" -Diane

"Fun event, well organized, nice people to talk to." -Aaron

"It was a fun and relaxing way to meet lots of new people. I enjoyed getting to know the women there as well as the men. I would definitely sign up again." -Patricia

"Great service - great people all around - thank you!" -Michael

"I had a lot of fun meeting the men who attended. They were professional, genuine, and good personalities. This was a new experience for me. " -Cynthia

"It was very interesting & enjoyable. Everyone was easy to talk to.  Sitting back with a glass of wine & meeting people; what's not to like?" -Rhonda

"Loads of fun. A great way to meet lots of people in a short period of time." -Tara

"This was my first experience with speed dating and I had a great time! It was very well organized and I met several very nice people. " -Melanie

"Had a great time. The people were all friendly and accepting. It was great getting to know new people. Definitely a worthwhile event if you're looking to meet somebody." -Wade

"Loved it!! Would definitely recommend it!" -Sheena

"I really enjoyed this experience. Thank you for creating this!" -Gloria

"Great experience and met some fantastic people!  It was very well organized and had a very nice turn out." -Etele

"I was actually really impressed with the quality of people and atmosphere...positive vibes all around!" -Kevin

"Very Fun!" -Sue Ellen

"I'm a big fan of your events...I met my husband at one of your events two years ago and we just had a little baby boy. I'm off the market and taken by TWO lucky guys!" -Erin

"It was fun. I met a bunch of great guys and made a couple of new girlfriends." -Tanja

"This was a super fun experience! I really enjoyed meeting such a wonderful group of ladies!" -Rick

"I like it. Good way to meet the opposite sex. " -Pete

"This was an awesome event and a great way to get to know people. As a result, I believe finding a connection with someone at your events is a possibility." -Tommy

"Enjoyed the format, time flew by!" -Lori

"Very enjoyable event - properly organized, nice location, terrific people. Well worth the fee. " -David

"This was super fun. I met lots of nice people!" -Amey

"I am dating someone I met at the event. That's the great thing about your business for the client and too bad for you, if we are successful we might not come back! But we can always send our single friends." -Jeff

"Very fun experience. Thanks!" -Mark

"I thought the event was very well organized. Plus, the hostess was very friendly and helpful. " -Jean

"I had a great time and met a lot of fun people." -Roni

"I had a great time and met a lot of wonderful people. Our hostess was great!" -Denice

"I think it is a great way to meet quite a few single people all in one night who are all looking for the same thing that you are. It is a fun way to get out there." -Sherry

"I really enjoyed the first event...I think this is a much better way to meet people than online (which I have been doing). I would rather meet people in person vs. online where you really can't see the person and get a feel for their personality. Your group is great for that!" -Kathy

"I had a lot of fun last night and met so many nice guys!" -Mary Kay

"For a person who's been using internet sites, it was so refreshing to meet women face-to-face. The host did a great job." -Michael

"Good way to meet lots of great people!" -LaVonne

"Great event! Easy way to meet a lot of new people quickly and in a safe environment" -Carina

"I enjoyed it. Lots of nice people and good 5 minute conversations." -Karen

"I had a blast last night at my speed dating event!" -Laura

"Your event was great fun. Thanks for making the gathering possible." -Jennie

"There really were quite a number of quality men. I had such fun! Can't think of a better thing to do if you are single and looking." -Gloria

"I went to another company's speed dating event that was terrible in my opinion so I wanted to let you know that I feel that your speed dating events are much better." -Katrina

"I was skeptical at first going in, but this format is much better than internet sites. The face-to-face interaction is very fun and interesting." -Tim

"This was my first speed dating experience. It was really great. Relaxed casual; time to mix and mingle ahead of time; well structured got to meet 14 great ladies as well as some new male single friends. " -Michael

"Lots of fun. Good mix of people and a just the right number of people. A different way to meet others then your typical bar scene. " -Sujey

"I was very impressed with the organization of the event. It was very enjoyable." -Lawrence

"Met some interesting men! It was relaxed and the environment was nice." -Kaylin

"I thought it was great - a lot of interesting people there. I must admit I had lots of fun - didn't want it to end!!!!" -William

"The whole thing was a lot of fun. The location was good. I had done speed dating once before, but yesterday's event with DateSwitch was more organized and executed in a classier manner." -Sean

"This was my first meeting, had a good time, very fun!!!" -Carmella

"I really enjoyed this event. Had an opportunity to meet some very nice women. First time doing the speed dating thing, and glad I did." -Dan

"Very cool!  All the ladies were nice." -David

"Fun and lots of quality people to meet. " -Ralph

"It is a great way to meet other singles in the area..." -Jessica

"I loved it. I had a blast. I met some really nice guys." -Dawnee

"This was a very fun evening! Mingled with a fun crowd, even stayed afterwards chatting. Our hostess was friendly and fun too!" -April

"This was a fun experience!! What a great group of folks!" -Wendy

"It was a nice way to meet eligible ladies, I would recommend it to anyone thinking of doing something they probably wouldn't normally do." -Bill

"OMGosh!! I had so much fun!  I liked almost EVERYBODY!!" -Sharon

"Great experience. Interesting way to meet some new people." -Edward

" I am grateful you are here. You really put on great event and I was very happy. Thanks! " -Joe

"This was my first time ever speed dating and it was fun to socialize with people I did not know...would recommend it and would do it again." -David

"Very interesting and fun.  This makes meeting prospective new dating partners comfortable and easy!" -Danielle

"I met many great women and had a really fun time!" -Aaron

"Really nice way to meet and interact with people. Very low pressure and I felt comfortable coming by myself." -Erin

"Very well organized...I enjoyed myself. I had an opportunity to meet some very nice women. First time doing the speed dating thing and glad I did." -Dan

"I think it is a great idea and was fun." -Terry

"I think this is a great group and I will attend other events. This is really a great way to meet some new people! Thanks!" -Steve

"This was a really great event. There were 16 mini dates and a wide range of people to choose from. " -Kristine

"There were so many guys there I liked I wanted to pick them all." -Jane

"I enjoyed the event; it sure beats meeting people online!" -Deborah

"Good group - I would do it again and recommend it to my friends." -Paula

"Way fun! Great mix of people and I was pleased to see more people in the higher age group. Well run." -Denise

"Very interesting concept...Nice to meet a group of individuals in your own age group." -Lisa

"I had a great time.  There were too many great choices to narrow it down.  I choose almost everyone.  I recommend it to everyone interested in meeting great quality people." -Rob

"You will be happy to know that I am now engaged to a guy I met at a Dateswitch event in November of 2009. " -Annie

"Very good!" -Curt

"Interesting and fun way to meet people." -Christina

"I had a lot of fun at this event. It was well organized and everyone was very nice which led to a positive first experience. " -Mariora

"It was good, I had fun!!! " -Jim

"I thought it was a lot of fun. I met some real nice people and had a good time." -Steve

"I was really hesitant to go, a friend talked me into it. But, it was a lot of fun. I met some cool people. I would definitely do this again if nothing comes of the dates that I am going on from this event. It's stress free and fun. " -Amanda

"I just recently married a girl I met at a Dateswitch event. I want to thank you for all the effort that you put into making Dateswitch successful.  Surely without ever attending Dateswitch, I probably would still be single today.  I think what you are doing is great and again, thank you!
" -David

"I'm writing to tell you of another "success story" - I'm getting married in 29 days to someone I met at your July 25th, 2009 DATESWITCH! " -Susan

"Great host, great concept. Had a nice time." -Dorene

"This was my first speed dating event, and I must say that I had a good time. The guys were interesting and the venue was nice. " -Stephanie

"It was unique, interesting and fun." -Michael

"Well organized and it was really fun." -Doris

"So much fun!" -Amme

"I attended a DateSwitch event with a few friends over a year ago. Not everyone will be a good fit for you but I found mine and we have been together for 13 months and are now living together. When I think of all the times I was in the general area of his former residence and I never would have met him if it weren't for DateSwitch. I have recommended it to my friends and couldn't be happier with my overall experience." -Anna

"I had fun. A good way to meet people besides online. At least you know what they REALLY look like...and meeting in person you get a good feel for chemistry, or lack thereof. " -Bernadine

"Excellent event, fun time! Well-coordinated activity with quality attendees." -Bill

"This was an absolute blast! I had a great time and I'm so glad I went." -Lissy

"Lots of fun!" -Jeff

"I had a fun time - wonderful way for people to meet!" -Pam

"I met an incredible man at your DateSwitch event on March 21st and we are now dating. " -Cosette

"Fun atmosphere and great set up. Highly recommended and meet many interesting people." -David

"Guys you should come out - beautiful and interesting women!" -Joey

"It was my first time, I was nervous at first but then became comfortable and had a good time...I think it is a great way to meet people..." -Clay

"I really enjoyed it! It was a fun time meeting new people." -Michael

"This was a lot of fun. Great Venue. And VERY WELL organized. I actually enjoyed talking with everyone I met." -Sophia

"It was great fun. Perfect!" -Mariendia

"I had so much fun! A lot of really nice guys, and great conversations. " -Debbie

"It was an excellent way to meet other singles! A fun evening!" -Carmen

"Great way to meet people. It was very nicely done; professional and comfortable. If I am still in the market, I will definitely go to another one of their events!! " -Stacey

"I couldn't believe how fast 5 minutes was! It felt like you just sat down and started talking and it was time to move again. I ended up going out with a few of the ladies afterwards for drinks which was fun and made for an even more enjoyable night. " -Bill

"I think this is a great group and I will attend other events. This is really a great way to meet some new people! Thanks!" -Steve

"Delightful! It was a very comfortable atmosphere in which to meet perfect strangers. Five minutes is a good cutoff mark for a speed date. If the conversation is dragging after 5 minutes, you have an easy out. If the bell rings and you don't want the conversation to end, that's a good sign you might be onto something." -Robin

"I admit I was nervous - but in five minutes what could happen? I had a blast and spoke to a lot of women." -Kent Hart

"I LOVE DATESWITCH! DateSwitch offers people the face-to-face human interaction internet dating simply can't. I recommend signing up with some friends and make a night of it. My friends and I had an all out blast!" -Michael

"I had a lot of fun! There was a nice variety of people and it was great having conversation and getting to know people." -Stephanie

"I really enjoyed myself at the event because I met a lot of interesting people. I've recommended this particular speed dating group to single women and men I know in the area, because they provide an excellent experience for event participants." -Charlie

"I went to a Dateswitch event tonight and had a blast. After seeing the same guys at every hike, run, dance, and social event, I've found that this is a whole new group of highly educated, nice people. It sounds hokey but it's not at all! The men I met come from various backgrounds. Tonight seemed to be lawyer night but I've also met ministers, physicians, scientists, professors, psychologists, psychiatrists, computer dudes and several real estate and business owners. If you don't choose anyone, then you get to go to an upcoming event FREE. This one is really worth doing." -Shari

"This was my first time trying speed dating. I love new experiences and this was definitely different from anything I've done before. I enjoyed meeting and socializing with the group and would do it again. Everyone was friendly and each 5 minute date flew by..." -Rick

"Had a really enjoyable evening and met a lot of wonderful new people!" -Bonnie

"Very nice way to meet other singles in a relaxed setting. " -Linda

"Very good people - well organized." -RJ

"Totally fun evening...I enjoyed every conversation...If you expect to have fun, you will. " -Dan

"Great group. Tons of fun. " -Jim

"There was a great turnout! The evening was very enjoyable - it is a great way to meet and mingle!" -Pamela

"Thanks for last night's event. The host was a lot of fun and made us all feel so comfortable. I'm very comfortable with this kind of venue and would love to do it again. It's a delightful, safe way to meet people." -Martha

"I'm dating a guy I met at the last event..." -Katrina

"It is a great way to meet men or women in person and see immediately if you feel a connection and want to see them again." -Howard

"This was alot of fun and went by way too quickly. I enjoyed meeting the men and the fellow women at this event..." -Heather

"I had a lot of fun last night at the event!" -Lisa

"I think it's the greatest! I will recommend it to my friends." -Robin

"Lots of fun!" -Jeff

"I just went to my first speed dating event and I have to say that it was so much fun. Thank you." -Chauncey

"Thanks to DateSwitch I found a wonderful woman and am in a great relationship." -Anthony

"Great time! The mini dates were awesome. Everyone was very friendly. " -Myles

"We got married on May 25, 2008. After trying the dating sites such as Yahoo personals, Match, and Eharmony with horrible results, I went to my first and last Dateswitch where I met my husband on August 4th, 2005. I had no idea that meeting a bunch of men and talking to them within a few minutes that I would be able to pick out my future husband. Both of us had tried the other dating sites without any luck, and when we met in person, it really was "You only have one chance to make a first impression." Also, it was so much fun, and we definitely have a unique story to tell our children. Thanks Jeremy and Dateswitch for making our dreams come true!! I hope this story inspires others, because we are the happiest we have ever been. Also, we just found out I am pregnant." -Faith

"Attending your previous event has rewarded me with a very special person and currently leading to hopefully a promising future. " -Gary

"This was definitely worth the time and money. I had a great time and met lots of interesting people. This is a really easy, efficient, and fun way to meet people." -Beth

"Great way to get out there and meet other singles in a structured, safe and fun environment." -Karen

"I met the love of my life at one of your speed dating events in Raleigh. We both can't thank you enough for organizing and holding these events. It was our first one and we both had a lot of fun." -Jennifer

"I was pleasantly surprised. There really was no pressure. I found it to be kind of fun. What really surprised me was that you did actually have real conversations with people. Not just superficial "bar talk." You focused on the person, and really tried to find some common ground. Everyone was fun to talk to. I would do it again." -Molly

"This was a fun experience. I had the opportunity to meet many nice people." -Andrea

"Loved the efficiency of meeting 15 men in one evening. " -Pam

"It was my first time and I met a lot of great people, I had fun! " -Gillian

"It was a really fun event where I got the chance to meet very interesting and attractive women. I was sad that I only got 5 minutes with each person, but I guess that's what YES is for! Overall, I feel like I got my money's worth." -Michael

"I couldn't believe how many eligible women there were. Sheesh. I felt like I hit the jackpot. There are innumerable opportunities to meet the love of your life..."" -Mick

"I would just like to say thanks again for providing such an outstanding service in Dateswitch. It has been nearly three years since my last event where I met the woman of my dreams. We are still together and life couldn't be better. Dateswitch surely was the best money I had ever spent on myself and the best thing I had ever done! What I liked most about Dateswitch is it took the guess-work out of wondering if the person sitting across from you or beside you is single or not. Everyone was there for the same reason -- to meet someone special in their life. And, that is exactly what happened to me! " -Rodney

"It is a safe, non threatening way to meet new people in a public place with an event organizer. As a single woman, all those factors are important." -Roni

"If you are looking to meet someone this is the best place. You know others are single and you don't need to feel shy as they come there for the same purpose." -Pavan

"I had a good time at the event. Time went by pretty quickly! " -Jeremy

"Very well organized and comfortable environment. It's a chance to meet new people." -Jason

"Last night was a lot of fun and I think this is a great way to meet people. The person who organized everything did a great job and made me feel more relaxed with the process. Thank you again for putting on the event." -Patty

"I was a little shy to do this as it was my first time, but everyone was very nice and made it easy to talk. I think the idea is really cool and I am sure that there are matches being made out there. " -Michael

"It was a fun evening and I enjoyed meeting all of the attendees! You will meet great people." -Ann

"My first time and so fun! I met a lot of great people." -Iris

"I wanted to tell you that I had a GREAT time at the event and was pleasantly surprised at the quality of men. The time seemed to fly by." -Tonya

"It's a great idea and innovative venue to meet new people. " -Linda

"Good way to meet people in a relaxed setting." -Mark

"It was a lot of fun and I meet some really nice people." -Dane'

"There were a lot of friendly people there. I felt very comfortable." -Gary

"I went to my first DateSwitch speed dating event last night and had a lot of fun. Even though, I was nervous about it since it was my first time doing speed dating. I met a lot of interesting girls and made my matches on the website. " -Ryan

"I had a great time. I really liked the venue and felt very comfortable with my dates. Great way to meet new people." -Nathan

"Very nice group of people! " -Kathy

"It's fun and a great way to meet potential dates." -Donald

"Lots of nice people and I had a blast." -James

"Less hassle than meeting at a regular mixer. 5 minutes of uninterrupted conversation with each single is a lot better than in a crowded bar scene. You can carry on conversations and get a pretty good indication as to whether one would like to see the other again." -Brent

"It's a good way to at least get acquainted with others interested in a relationship that are busy." -John

"Quick, organized way to meet people." -John

"Easy way to meet people." -Bob

"It was very relaxed as promised - it really was a nice time." -Larry

"Excellent format, good venue. Nice mix of ages and backgrounds." -Tim

"Great to meet people and establish relationships." -Lara

"It was a great time. I would highly recommend it!" -Keith

"This was my first speed dating event. I enjoyed it!" -Gina

"It is a fun way to meet other singles." -Rudy

"This was my first DateSwitch Speed Dating Event and it was a lot of fun! I got to meet a lot of new people and experience something new." -Ivan

"Fun event. Lots of interesting, friendly people. Well organized." -Phil

"This is definitely fun. It was great to meet a bunch of new men - some were very interesting to talk to. As a first-timer, it was a positive experience." -Alyssa

"It was cool as a first timer to get right to it with no pressure." -Steven

"It was very good." -Ana

"If you want to meet others looking for a relationship, this is the place to do it." -Chris

"The event was great and nice people - should try it at least once." -John

"It was great. Lots of nice people showed up and we had a fun time getting to meet everyone and do the speed dating thing. It was my first time and I have to say that I was impressed with the quality of women that showed up. " -David

"Way better than the online dating thing. Great way to meet people without a lot of pressure.  The time limit makes it easy to talk with people (or get out of a conversation that just isn't clicking.) Well organized. All the women are seated and the guys move from one person to the next every 5 minutes. For us guys, it is like going to a buffet and for women the guys are on a lazy susan that spins every 5 minutes to the next item. Much better experience than online or the bar scene. Everybody's there for the same reason. Highly recommended!"" -Dan

"The event was awesome. Everyone was super friendly. I had a great time." -Oscar

"It's so funny, walking into a place knowing everyone is there to find someone special. DING -- we're off to the races -- what a wild ride of conversation, befuddlement, laughter, and all without pressure. Lots of fun and pleased to have met so many nice people -- maybe even that someone special, miracle of miracles!!!!!" -Rennie

"I had a lot of fun at my first event and met a bunch of interesting people." -Susan

"Fun! It's a great way to meet new people." -Jana

"Lots of fun!" -Jane

"First time at speed dating and it was quiet fun." -Dave

"Better than expected - very good." -Brent

"You meet some interesting new people without the whole 'approaching them in the bar' nonsense." -Jason

"Had a fun time. Met a lot of awesome girls, made a few friends, and had a lot of fun." -James

""It was a lot of fun. I wasn't sure what to expect, but everyone was nice and I had a great time." " -Jane

"I went to the DateSwitch event. I took lady friends - we had a blast and met some very nice guys." -Pam

"That was A LOT of fun! I met, without exception, classy, nice and interesting people. Try it!" -Grant

"A really nice group and well done. A very positive experience and a really neat way to meet different people. It was a lot of fun." -Nancy

"The event was great.  I had a great time." -James

Do you have your own testimonial? Click here!